Developing A University Policy

Ariel View of Frasier Hall at sunset

Step 1: Development

Primary Policy Contact:

  1. Provides subject matter expertise in researching need for policy, identifies issues and solutions.
  2. Drafts policy language.
  3. Coordinates with stakeholders and functional experts for policy draft review.
  4. Works with Policy Administration to determine if Governance review is appropriate.

Policy Administration:

  1. Serves as consultant to Primary Policy Contact for all Step 1 functions.
Jayhawk Statue with background of clouds

Step 2: Review

Primary Policy Contact:

  1. Works with Policy Administration to coordinate comment period.
  2. Makes edits to draft policy in response to comments.

Policy Administration:

  1. Seeks input from General Counsel.
  2. Alerts appropriate executive sponsors of policy development.
Ariel view of the campanile

Step 3: Approval

Policy Administration:

  1. Submits final draft to Provost, Chancellor, or appropriate Vice Provost or Vice Chancellor.
  2. Receives policy approval.
  3. Communicates policy approval to Primary Policy Contact.

Primary Policy Contact:

  1. Uploads policy to Policy Library.
  2. Announces policy, educates community, and encourages feedback.
  3. Reviews policy as appropriate.

This process map is intended to assist units who generate policy applicable to faculty, staff, students, and visitors to campus in understanding the process and responsibility for policy‐making at KU. Specific policies may require adjustment of this process to ensure adequate review by stakeholders.

Appropriate review and approval groups will likely be unique for each policy. Those groups will be determined based on the campus to which the policy will apply and the nature of the policy. The Office of Policy Administration is available to assist units developing and revising policy to determine the appropriate groups and contacts.

The process for Governance policy approval may be found on the University Governance website.

For policies that will apply University‐wide or that will apply to KU‐Lawrence and reporting units (Edwards, Leavenworth, Juniper Gardens, Parsons, Pittsburg, Salina, Topeka, Yoder), contact the Office of Policy Administration at 785‐864‐9600 or

For policies that will apply to KU-Medical Center and reporting units (Kansas City, Salina, and Wichita), please contact the appropriate units on that campus.